Let Your Freak Fly

Let Your Freak Fly

I recently attended a 3 Day Leverage Event with Christine Gallagher in Princeton, NJ. As a solo entrepreneur that is always working on my business and trying to make my life easie,r I attended. It was 3 days of informative business information to help me grow my business. On day one she said “Let Your Freak Fly”.  Boom!!! for some reason I felt WOW that’s it stop trying to hide or think your bothering people. Step more into being my authentic self in my business. As a solo entrepreneur it can be lonely at times. You can be isolated and not part of a community as you do in a traditional job. Solo entrepreneurness is not for the faint of heart. It’s a job like any traditional job without the safety net of income and clients always showing up. You have to go get them and have them want your product or service. It’s creating a routine at home to build your success, being part of community and doing what your good at or think you’re good at. Look we all feel as if we are different and don’t fit in, but in reality we really don’t want to fit in or be like everyone else. That’s the same in business and being the real authentic you.

Let me finish with this quote “Can You Identify the Victorys Regardless of the Score?” – Rudy. This is great in business because business is just like a football game. You have four quarters to pull out a victory and create the success you’re looking for in business and life.

 Lookout world Kathy’s letting her FREAK FLY!